Meet Emily
I am a certified Transpersonal Energy Healing Practitioner. I have been practicing since 2016 with hundreds of hours of hands on and spiritual counseling experience in the field.
I also have a Masters of Social Work degree, graduating from the University of New England in 2011. I believe that my training and education in both social work as well as in energy healing provides a deep understanding of the complexities of human behavior and suffering, and the many coping mechanisms that many employ to help buffer extreme emotions and experiences.
I have a strong passion for working with individuals who are suffering, longing for more fulfillment, as well as those who have and/or are experiencing grief, loss, trauma, addictions, anxiety and depression. All the extremes. As someone who has not only been trained in the helping field, I have also experienced and overcame such debilitating life events, as well as the burdening emotions that accompany these states of being and experiencing.
It has become my joy and passion in life to hold space, help facilitate the natural healing mechanisms and track the energies within the body to help get to the root of the core trauma and pain, by going within, and get in touch with the subtle energies that reside inside the body, effecting the nervous system, habitual beliefs and patterned behaviors to assist in a holistic healing journey.
My Specializations
I specialize in working with individuals who suffer from addictions; including any form of a substance that holds control or a power over your life. Whether that substance is used to escape from overwhelm, discomfort or to fill a void, or a longing that is spiritual, physical or emotional. Within the process of Transpersonal Energy Healing Therapy, I guide individuals inward, tracking the sensations of the energy inside the body, to the root cause of the addictive pattern. As I hold gentle, compassionate space for self-exploration and palpable innerwork, a greater awareness and deeper focused attention is brought inside the body. This helps facilitate the dissolving and clearing of energy blocks, as well as ignite the body’s natural healing mechanisms, resulting in your ability to live a more fulfilled and balanced life. As we journey through the transformational healing process, greater clarity, awareness, and expansion take place within the whole energy system, allowing the life force energy to flow more freely, healing core wounds and fulfilling a deep seated longing for wholeness.
30 min

What Clients Say

"The healer you have been looking for
is your own courage to know and love yourself completely"